Our list of the BEST BREASTFEEDING CONTENT on the internet!

Our list of the BEST BREASTFEEDING CONTENT on the internet!

Breastfeeding isn't easy and there can be many bumps in the road. We always suggest taking advantage of great content from top Lactation Specialists and even get a personal consult. We promise...it's time well spent. 

We have some favorite sites and women who provide great advice and information and some even offer digital one-on-one consults or digital classes. 

Breezy Babies

Great lactation consultant and blogger back to mom review. Nipple shield weaning kit review

Back to Mom review weaning kit review. does weaning kit work or does back to mom work. Lactation consultant to help nipple pain

Bri is a mom, Registered Nurse, IBCLC Lactation Consultant and Certified Educator of Infant Massage.

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