We love breastfeeding and empowering breastfeeding women. We wanted to create some eye catching sharable and printable graphics of our favorite breastfeeding quotes to help moms feel inspired in their breastfeeding journeys.
Please tag us with #backtomom or @backtomom Enjoy!
Breastfeeding is about 90% determination and only 10% milk production.
Not all superheroes wear capes, some wear nursing bras!
There is nothing better than time spent nourishing your baby.
"You are a ROCKSTAR, whether you nurse for 3 days or 3 years!"
"Breastfeeding is not always easy, but it is ALWAYS worth it!"
"Just as flowers turn to the sun, babies turn to their mothers. Such is nature's way." - Sara Joy Amin
"I make milk. What's your superpower?"
We love breastfeeding and love all things that help moms feed their babies as long as they wish. We make inventive products for moms with specific needs. If you are struggling with weaning off nipple shield the Back to Mom Nipple Shield Weaning Kit is the fastest way to wean off nipple shields. Also, if you are struggling with baby biting during breastfeeding, the Back to Mom Breastfeeding Bite Guard is perfect to protect you from baby's teeth and heal your nipples.